Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Ebola virus

Ebola enters Unites states

An excerpt from http://ebola.emedtv.com/ebola-virus/what-is-the-ebola-virus.html ,There are four types of the Ebola virus, three of which cause illness in humans. The exact origin, locations, and natural habitat of this virus remain unknown, but researchers believe it is normally maintained in an animal host that is native to the African continent. Person-to-person transmission occurs through direct contact with people who have Ebola, or direct contact with their body fluids.


Ebola is definitely a serious issue but we shouldn't be scared. The chances of it spreading badly in the
United states is low. Everyone who has Ebola in the United states are under lots of treatment.

I chose this topic because it is certainly something people should know about and is a serious issue in the world currently.

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